The Time Machine Micro kit now comes with the Spertilo Pi and a case. The build instructions for populating the circuit board are the same
Check your parts before you start
(1) Printed Circuit Board (the newest version)
(1) Video Screen
(1) 40 pin (2x20) connector
(3) encoders with knobs, nuts and washers
(2) 12x12mm tactile switch with caps
(4) 6x6x9mm tactile switch
(1) red led
(1) resistor
(1) Spertilo Pi loaded with Time Machine operating system
(1) Case with mounting hardware
(1) power supply
(1) cord
(if you are missing anything email me,

Putting your circuit board together
Start by double checking your parts.
You should have: one printed circuit board, one video screen, one 40 pin connector, two big buttons (momentary tactile switches) with caps, four small buttons, three rotary encoders with knobs, one LED, one resistor
(if you are missing anything email me,

I like to mount the video screen first.
The screen mounts to the front and solders on the back.
Because of its shape, it doesn't want to sit flat without help.
One way I have found to do this is by holding it in place with a clothespin.

I do the buttons next. Big buttons first, then the small ones.
Make sure the backs of the buttons are sitting flush with the circuit board.

Next up, the 40 pin connector. It mounts to the back and solders on the front
This is a fiddly bit. Magnification helps if you have old eyes of the world.
Propping each end with some playing cards or small blocks or similar will help to keep it flat.
Watch out for the small button close to the top of the connector, it is easy to melt with your soldering iron if you're not paying attention.

Now I do the encoders. You can install them with the knobs and hardware on or off.
They like to rock and roll. Bending the mounting tabs out on the back helps keep them still.
Another trick I've found is to solder one or two pins from the top to keep things in place before turning it over and soldering the remaining pins.
I like to solder the mounting tabs as well.
I don't know how much it helps, but it doesn't hurt.

Gettin' there!
The LED mounts to the front and solders on the back.
The SHORT leg of the LED goes in the SQUARE hole.
The resistor mounts to the back and solders on the front.

Put the caps on the big buttons and admire your handiwork!

Instructions for Spertilo Pi
Carefully connect the SpertiloPi to the circuit board using the 40 pin connector making sure the pins are correctly aligned before seating all the way.

Now plug in the USB-C cable and the 1/8" stereo cable

The Time Machine will now lead you through the calibration procedure beginning with the screen calibration.

If you see these lines at the bottom and right sides, press stop
The Machine will then test buttons

And then knobs.
Forward is what you say is forward!

The TIme Machine will now ask you to connect to WiFi and enter your Passkey.
Once you have entered your info, the machine will default to The Grateful Dead collection and open to 8-13-75
What a great place to start!
Press select and enjoy the show!
*Press and hold the power button to go to the configuration menu where you can add other collections and more.
See the Operating instructions and FAQ for more information.

Instructions for Raspberry Pi Version
For use without a case:
Use the nylon screw to mount the stand-offs.
Mount your Raspberry Pi taking great care with the pins.
Use the nuts to secure your Pi.
Install the SD card.

Plug in a 1/8" (3.5mm) stereo jack and connect to your stereo or powered speaker.
Using a 3 amp 5 volt power supply and the usb cable appropriate for your Pi, plug it in.
The red and green LED's on the PI will light up.
The LED under the power button will light up.
Initial start up takes a lil bit, be patient.
Music should start playing.
(the music will stop when it gets to the WiFi connection part, this is normal)
Follow the on screen instructions.
This will test all of the button and knob functions, familiarize you with their operation and guide you through the setup.
You will be asked to choose a collection.
(Choose the Grateful Dead! This can be changed later)
You will choose a WiFi connection and enter your password. (Rasp Pi 3A+ can be a little laggy during this step, go slow)
The Time Machine will restart itself.
You will see the "Loading" message and then find yourself on some date somewhere in time.
Twiddle the knobs till you find a date you like, press play and enjoy the ride!
See the FAQ and Operating Instruction sections of this site for troubleshooting, how to add other collections, and connecting to Bluetooth.
Twiddle the knobs and mash the buttons. They have different functions that are fun to discover!